Stand Your Ground and Jeb’s Missed Opportunity

The Souls of Half Black Folk

Last month, Time Magazine wrote an article titled #BlackLivesMatter Is Winning The Democratic Primary, an ode to the hard work and resilience shown by grassroots activists combating the criminalization and stigmatization of Black Communities around the country. Last week, Presidential Candidate, Jeb Bush took the stage in front of the National Urban League in his home state of Florida with the opportunity to convey the message to people across the country that he and his fellow Republicans take the Movement for Black Lives seriously and are committed to polices that will truly help all Americans. However, he missed a tremendous opportunity to talk about a law that has disproportionately plagued the Black population his state, the Stand Your Ground law.

 Stand Your Ground effectively allows citizens to defend themselves, even outside of their own homes with deadly force if they deem necessary. Florida enacted the law in 2005…

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August 2015 #StandYourGround Tweet Of The Month @endyourstand



When Dick Durbin, then Judiciary Committee Chairman, uttered these words at a U. S. Senate hearing on stand your ground laws in 2013, hopes were high that finally the nation would agree, and that the federal government would initiate steps to push state lawmakers to change stand your ground laws. It hasn’t happened yet. The danger is still real.

Summarizing stand your ground law, Durbin’s opening statement “It appears to me that stand your ground laws are an invitation to confrontation” deserves to be a tweet of the month.

Thanks to twitter user  for this response:

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